iFi Audio – Accessory – DC iPurifier


With trickle-down technology from Abbingdon Music Research (AMR), the very latest product from iFi is the DC iPurifier; a noise-cancellation product aimed to enhance the existing, ubiquitous Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS).

Generic SMPS designs are very noisy because they were never intended for audiophile applications.

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DC iPurifier

[metaslider id=976]


Improves 5V-24V
power supplies

Active Noise

Significant noise
floor reduction

Different DC
‘pigtails’ to suit

ifi audio dcipurifier

ifi audio dcipurifier active



All the way to
3.5A / 84W

Military radar
tech for audio

50dB to 100dB
noise floor drop

Covers the
SMPS gamut

With trickle-down technology from Abbingdon Music Research (AMR), the very latest product from iFi is the DC iPurifier; a noise-cancellation product aimed to enhance the existing, ubiquitous Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS).

Generic SMPS designs are very noisy because they were never intended for audiophile applications.

ifi_audio_dcipurifier_ex_outlet2 ifi_audio_dcipurifier_ex_outlet1

The DC iPurifier sits in-between the SMPS and the device such as; router, DAC, set top box, media streamer, laptop or desk mixer. And with the latest Active Noise Cancellation® technology, from 5 volts all the way up to 24 volts (up to 3.5 amps) the DC iPurifier sharply reduces noise to improve the quality of the device.

ifi audio dcipurifier dc ip logo

Got SMPS? Just add the DC iPurifier
ifi audio dcipurifier Generic Switch Mode Power Supply designs are noisy – but they were only intended for mainstream use so noise was never a consideration. Just insert the DC iPurifier between the existing noisy power supply and the source; noise is reduced by a factor of 316x to 100,000x.

Be it home or professional audio, this is the most simple and most effective way of improving audio performance from arguably, one of the most noisy sources in a computer audio system.

ifi audio dcipurifier addthem
Active Noise Cancellation® derived from military radar technology
ifi audio dcipurifier active Drawing from the military field (specifically the Thales Spectra radar cancellation system deployed in the French Dassault Rafale jet fighter), iFi adapted this technology to exclusively introduce the Active Noise Cancellation® (ANC®) audio power system.
ifi audio dc ipurifier jet
An enemy air defense radar will transmit at a certain frequency; when the enemy signal reaches the aircraft,a receiver on board the aircraft will pick up the signal and a computer will analyse its base frequency/modulations and produce an identical, but out-of-phase signal to cancel the enemy radar signal.
By generating a signal identical to the noise signal but in the exact opposite phase, it actively cancels all the incoming noise. ANC® is the perfect ‘antidote’ for power supply noise, the bane of all audio systems.
ifi audio dcipurifier cancellation chartifi audio dcipurifier charts dc ipurifier

Across the audible range, measured noise is improved by 316x to 100,000x or by 50dB to 100dB respectively.

Sonically, the background and inner resolution to recordings is brought to the fore and no longer hidden. Sonics are much smoother, just like how good analogue should be. Nothing comes close.

Ultra wide-band design, effective from 1Hz to above 5GHz
ifi_audio_dcipurifier_1hz-to-5ghz_logo Fi leaves no stone unturned; the DC iPurifier is a ground-up, ultra-wide band design.

Effective from 1Hz all the way up to 5GHz. Crucially the strongest performance is in the audible range of 20Hz to 20KHz.


Built-in polarity protection
ifi_audio_dcipurifier__ Red protection LED will be lit if the input polarity is reversed (If reversed polarity, please correct).
ifi audio dcipurifier plugs The DC iPurifier handles 5v through to 24V. Takes up to 3.5A or 84W. For different types of DC barrel connectors, the DC iPurifier works with 5.5 x 2.1mm but also ships with adapters for 5.5×2.5mm and 3.5×1.35mm. These three fittings cover the gamut of DC barrel connectors.

Professional audio applications typically require a ‘centre negative’ power supply. To lower noise with the DC iPurifier, use a ‘centre positive’ power supply at the input and use a special white ‘inverter’ at the output.

Technologies: Active Noise Cancellation® technology from AMR.
Ultra-wide band design, effective from 1Hz to above 5GHz.
Compatible with 5v-24v/3.5A/84W power supply designs.
LED: Power, Orange: Power ON
Polarity, Red: Input polarity reversed.
Chassis: iFI ‘FINAL’ aircraft-grade RFI shielded aluminium
3 DC barrel fittings: 5.5×2.1mm.
Included adapters: 5.5×2.5mm (C) and 3.5×1.35mm incl(H)(A)
Dimensions: 62(l) x 19(w) x 18(h) mm
Weight: 32g (0.07 lbs)
Warranty period: 12 months