Holo Audio USA and KitsuneHiFi was fortunate to make this event and we co exhibited with Headamp in the Canjam Tent! This was a WIN WIN for both of our companies as Headamp truly benefitted from our Kitsune Tuned Edition Spring dac just as much as we did from their World class amps. The Blue Hawaii SE (worlds finest electrostatic headphone amplifier) and the GSX-MK2 which is also considered one of the worlds finest SS headamps. Our customers were able to hear our dac with very transparent and revealing amplifiers. Many customers told us we had the best sound in show! that was definitely nice to hear this. Overall the results were very spectacular and we’d be doing this every year now! Our booth was tight and small yet very busy most of the time. Our listening station had a pair of LCD4, HE1000V2, MS Carbon, Prototype MS Electrostats, and the Stax 009. All serious summit fi gear. Our source was a simple basic Microsoft surface book. From there we used a kimber cable USB cable to our JCAT Isolator (intona industrial pcb), and from that we used the JCAT ISO cable to the Singxer SU-1 (one of our best selling products!) The singxer SU-1 was the transport that allowed us to use the HDMI i2s input of our spring dac. The HDMI i2s IMHO is the best possible input to use for optimum sound. Why do we use JCAT isolator? Well show conditions had poor power quality, let alone any laptop has a poor PSU, this was key to eliminate any ground issues with true galvanic isolation of power and data at FULL usb 2.0 480mbps. Honestly I won’t have any audio system without my Jcat Isolator, it’s simply more than subtle. In show conditions it really does help and we like to thank JCAT, one of our vendors. Check out their new USB Femto card, this thing is sweeeet. 😀 OK i’m doing too much product shout outs, but these companies deserve it. Singxer, for instance, is one company that has USB figured out and has developed a digital to digital convertor with spectacular results. Their SU-1 has femto clocks, Crytek 575, and multistage regulation of power, and the newest XU208 xmos chipset. We choose their DDC as the ideal pairing with the Spring Dac. It delivers slightly more detail and wider soundstage.